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At Kigali Sporting Club, we believe in nurturing a community of athletes who exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, teamwork, and personal excellence. Our charter is a declaration of the values we uphold and the principles that guide our actions both on and off the field. By committing to this charter, each member pledges to embody the spirit of fair play, unwavering team spirit, and a relentless desire to excel.

Team Spirit

Unity and Support: We are a family that stands together, celebrating victories and supporting each other through challenges. We recognize that our strength lies in our unity.

Respect and Encouragement: Every member deserves respect and encouragement, regardless of their role or skill level. We lift each other up and help each other grow.

Collaboration and Communication: Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of our team. We collaborate effectively, sharing knowledge and strategies to achieve common goals.

Loyalty and Commitment: We are loyal to our club, our teammates, and our shared goals. Commitment to the team comes before individual aspirations.


Fair Play

Integrity and Honesty: We play with integrity, upholding the rules and the spirit of the game. Cheating, dishonesty, or any form of unfair advantage is strictly against our values.

Respect for Opponents: We respect our opponents as fellow athletes. We compete vigorously but always with courtesy and admiration for their skills and efforts.

Graciousness in Victory and Defeat: We accept victories with humility and defeats with grace. Winning is celebrated, but never at the cost of respect for the opposition or the dignity of the game.

Adherence to Rules: We commit to knowing, understanding, and adhering to the rules of the sport. We respect the decisions of officials and the structure of the competition.

Desire to Excel

Personal Best: Every member is encouraged to strive for their personal best. We set high standards and work tirelessly to achieve them.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous learning and improvement. Constructive feedback is welcomed and used to enhance our skills and performance.

Dedication and Hard Work: Excellence requires dedication, discipline, and hard work. We put in the necessary effort, both in training and competition, to reach our full potential.

Positive Attitude: A positive attitude fuels our desire to excel. We approach every challenge with determination, resilience, and optimism.

Community and Responsibility

Role Models: We recognize our role as ambassadors of Kigali Sporting Club and the broader sporting community. We set an example through our conduct and character.

Community Engagement: We are committed to giving back to our community, participating in outreach programs, and promoting the values of sportsmanship and healthy living.

Environmental Responsibility: We respect our environment, ensuring our activities are sustainable and minimize ecological impact.

By embracing this Sportsman's Charter, each member of Kigali Sporting Club commits to fostering an environment of respect, excellence, and camaraderie. We understand that the true measure of our success is not just in our achievements but in how we play the game, treat others, and contribute to the community. This charter is our pledge to uphold the proud traditions of our club and to inspire future generations of athletes.

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